I recently bought a spare chain so I could make one the length I need for my 32X15 gearing and keep the other chain the length I need for my 32X19 – 22. During my whim of setting up my two different systems, I decided to make an adventure out of our usual walk around the Congaree Swamp on Monday.
I gazed at the map for a few minutes and then headed out on the Drunken Monkey to spin my ass off to the Congaree National Swamp. It was a flat uneventful ride for the most part but it was a gorgeous day.
I took all back roads and only had to ride the grass next to Bluff road for less than a ¼ mile before I was back on Old Bluff Road and headed to the swamp. It took me about an hour to get there from Kristin’s house.
Kristin met me over in the parking lot so we could take a quick walk. After I had spent most of the day on Sunday removing debris from the trails out at Manchester I figured there might be some carnage at the swamp but we were able to witness the loss of a monster.
As we rounded the last of our hike through the swamp, I smelled Christmas in the air. Then I looked to my left and there she was, a massive pine had fallen during the recent storms and winds. Due to the nature of where the tree fell we couldn’t really tell how tall the massive tree was but it was HUGE. There were a couple other trees that had been taken out in the fall as well. The boardwalk was lucky this time, it was right at the edge of the massacre. You could still feel the energy of the tree all around as we walked and looked for the beginning and end of the beast.
I took some pictures of the Pine tree lying there awaiting its untimely death but I would rather not post them as they don’t do the tree justice. So instead we will relish the trees that withstood the storm. Old growth is amazing.
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