Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wilderness and Impalement

A sweet Hike with Clay, Duma and Shade from this past weekend. It was my first time this deep into the Shining Rock Wilderness.
Clay and Duma enjoing a quick packless respite.

The rain let up while we wandered around the Six Thousand peak summits so we could enjoy some view.

Shade's enlightenment "Ohhhh This is why they call it Shining Rock Wilderness."

Duma is always making fun of me.

Shade also knows how a well placed cairn can help.

Again Duma was pissed that he couldn't get in my tent so he dug in disgust.

Last night was a tough one for the WNDC. I almost impaled myself during a wreck early on. J had a ride ending mechanical 40 feet into the ride. I suffered a tubeless flat and then tried to kill myself coming down Pinnacle Mountain Road. We also crossed some wild rivers which split the group up.
CF and Tomato's route:
Fawn Lake -> Airstrip -> Mine Mountain -> Laurel Ridge -> Shoals -> CMS -> Little River -> Steep Cedar Mountain Side -> Big Rock -> Longside -> Pine Tree -> Sheep Mountain -> Buck Forest -> Conservation -> Johanna -> Pinnacle Mtn Road -> Turkey Knob -> Reasonover
A tough ride for a WNDC!!

1 comment:

Ohio Robb said...

would have thought color was starting to show up there for sure...guess i have time to get back to AVL and get up there before its barren and really cold.